Upgrade fast and precisely from ODI 11 to ODI 12, using the Upgrade Assistant Plus (UA+) tool
The Upgrade Assistant Plus tool helps Oracle's UA to create precise ODI 12 Mappings and Models, and to convert the Operators correctly. The process will be faster and cheaper, and will provide a clean ODI 12 repository.
Upgrade precisely
UA+ migrates each real ODI 11 Interface to a single ODI 12 mapping with no dataset and no reusable mappings.
No redundant objects
Thanks to the precise migration process, only the ODI 12 Models and Datastores that are really needed will be generated.
Clean repository
Because the UA+ tool will do the needed rework to have correct ODI 12 Mappings and Datastores, no manual cleanup is required.
Start your ODI 12 journey with an impeccable repository
High quality
UA+ guarantees that every ODI 11 Temporary Interface is upgraded correctly and that every Operator is precisely converted in order to get a clean ODI 12 repository.
Fast conversion
UA+ speeds up the upgrade process tremendously by converting only what's needed and without leaving any loose ends.
Earnings and Savings
Continue your ODI development activities immediately after upgrading. No manual post-conversion actions are needed. This saves you time and money.
It’s easy, see how it works

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